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The Original Natural Beauty: A Message to The Hebrew Yisraelite Woman

Updated: Feb 18

How long has it been since the mirror has been put into our own faces? Since when did we begin to reject our own image and embrace that of another? The conditioning by the Yafites (Europeans) on the minds of the Hebrew woman has manipulated her into becoming a self-hating unnatural being that is destroying the course of the natural order. How is it that we have come from such noble women as Sarah or Deborah and have fallen into a trap of wickedness? We must return back to the way and bring honor to a declining culture.

Consequently, due to being dispersed among the nations and rejecting our Power (Devareim. 28:64-68), we have become subject to adapting to the cultures around us. We were never accepted by these nations and were often forced to change who we are in an effort to fit in. We went from wearing beautifully tailored dresses to wearing tight jeans, leggings, and tank-tops. We went from being the keepers of the home to "Keeping Up With The Kardashian's". Why are we at the center of our own demise? Did we learn anything from the mistake of our fore-mother, Kawah (Eve), who sought to be above the man? Was the punishment of having to submit ourselves unto our husbands not grand enough (Beresheit 3:16)? It is time we reverse these curses and bring about a change.

Furthermore, our ancestors overstood who they were and what their roles were as

the women of Yisrael. We didn't post half-naked pictures online for the World to gaze upon. We kept these images strictly for our husbands. Our children were blessed and favored and our husbands were well-respected at the gates (Mishleiem 31). Now, we witness as the debauchery of degeneracy embraces us in every tinkling step we take. Our image has been destroyed universally, yet we claim that we are not the problem. YEHOWAH not only has a problem with the men of Yisrael, but with the women as well (Yeshe'yahu 3:16-25).

In triumph, Deborah, was a strong shofet (judge) in the nation of Yisrael (Shofetiem 4:4-16). She understood her role and did not take it lightly. Deborah had a great task to fulfill and could acknowledge that she'd surely need the men of Yisrael to go along with her to fulfill the duty. How often do we allow our men to lead without subjecting them to scrutiny? When is the last time we've uplifted our men and let them know that we respect them as the leaders of The Nation of Yisrael? Instead, we engage our husbands to follow into folly and seek to control them with our womanly captivation. Now, we witness women convincing their men to post naked pictures online alongside them in ways to further emasculate the image of the men of Yisrael. Or even worse, we openly disrespect our husbands by wearing revealing clothing for other men to see and fantasize about. Did you know that this can cause an innocent man to fall into covetousness?

Equally, we have to brush up on our countenance and find the way back to the path of righteousness. We have dropped the ball and it keeps rolling. Our image must be restored to being the modest, wholesome, fulfilling and feminine woman. We must deprogram and allow ourselves to become who we were always designated to be (Beresheit 2:18). We are the original woman and the master helpmate. The other nations have taken our light and bestowed it upon themselves. So, to my sister I say, throw away those masculine pants, revealing clothing, weave's, and make-up and step into our honor as the enlightened Daughter's of Zion. Let's reestablish the respect for ourselves as the rightful owners of the crown and show the World how it is really done according to our guidebook--the Book of Remembrance.

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