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Great News Comes in Waves...

Writer: shmakhakmahshmakhakmah

Shalom Mishpakheim! We have all heard the great news that the Republic of Ghana has

awarded 524 members of the African Diaspora Ghanaian citizenship on Nov. 19, 2024. This historical movement was a grandiose gesture and long overdue for those of us who were taken and scattered across the four corners of the Earth-namely Europe, America, and the Caribbeans.


In Essence, we at Shma Khakmah urged many of our community followers to leave Bavel and to make the necessary transition to Africa and to sojourn in Ghana until our return unto the Promised Land. Many forbore the warnings, and others chose to take miscellaneous avenues that have not brought much success. Yet, we still say no more. We are rather further encouraging our members to exercise their minds to change.


The making of 524 people as recognized Ghanaian citizens, is the first in history to be done at this caliber. In other aspects, one would have to prove family inheritance, which is nearly impossible after over 400 years, have stayed within the country for at least 7 years, or remain on a permitted stay which can become costly. YEHOWAH's hands are surely moving for those that are obedient and are not negating from HIS will.


Those of us that are here are working diligently to make these transitions smoothly and even lobbying to make ordinances that will be official for those who were descended from slavery to receiving their due diligence as citizens in prominent West African countries. Please do not take this lightly as we know that Yeshe'yahu 13 is upon Bavel and anyone that obliges to leave may suffer greatly.


Please, we ask that anyone who has an interest with making a change and wanting to know rock-solid methods to transitioning out of Bavel -- to Book a consultation with us and allow us to guide you to better grounds.


We pray that everyone will remain vigilant during these end times and most importantly, hearken unto the voice of YEHOWAH to flee. [Yeshe'yahu 31:1, Yeremi'yahu 51:6, Shemote 6:6 (Isaiah 31:1, Jeremiah 51:6, Exodus 6:6)]




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